Movie Monday: Christmas in Connecticut (1945)
Continuing our celebration of the holiday season, this Movie Monday is about the 1940’s classic Christmas in Connecticut. This is one of the most famous films to watch during the holidays, and remains a favorite of Barbara Stanwyck fans.

Before Christmas in Connecticut, Barbara Stanwyck was well known for here more serious roles. Having started in the exceptionally popular film Double Indemnity (1944) only one year prior this Christmas classic had Stanwyck at the top of her game. Although she did not receive an Oscar for her work in Double Indemnity, Stanwyck did have the honor of being nominated.
The ensembles throughout Christmas in Connecticut remain one of the many memorable aspects of this film. Barbara Stanwyck’s character wore a compilation of fur hats, coats, and muffles to keep her warm in the winter weather. Besides that, the structure of the dresses and coats worn in this film shows how important tailoring and the emphasis on the shoulders were back then. Fashion was highly sophisticated, and the most relaxed outfit we see Stanwyck wear in this movie is a gingham dress to make breakfast. Talk about dressing up!

One element in Christmas in Connecticut I find interesting the how little it relies on the use of Christmas music in this film. Unlike other holiday classics, this movie doesn’t feature carolers and the characters do not sing and dance. Instead, we see a story that without the holidays would still be heartwarming, but it is especially nice during Christmas time. The focus is primarily on the characters actions, which is the kind of style we also see in It’s a Wonderful Life. Maybe it is a more modern move to have a soundtrack full of holiday songs? Whatever the reason behind this Christmas in Connecticut remains one of my favorites to watch during the holiday season and a can’t miss moment when gearing up for Christmas!
Much Love,
Source for some of the fun facts found in this review: http://www.tcm.com/this-month/article/12743%7C0/Christmas-in-Connecticut.html