Faintly Familiar’s One Year Anniversary!

I absolutely cannot believe that Faintly Familiar is turning one! This website has thrived in the last year and it is all due to the love and care every Faintly Familiar reader has given to this community. Although the first year has flown by, it feels like Faintly Familiar has always been apart of our lives.
From the first ever post I published on Faintly Familiar all the way to this very day, I have felt nothing but support and excitement from everyone! Your excitement has made me excited and has lead to a ton of amazing moments! For those who are wondering, yes, the colorful balloons featured in the anniversary photos are inspired by Audrey Hepburn in Funny Face (1957).

From the most wonderful moments to the more difficult moments and everywhere in between, the Faintly Familiar community has been there every step of the way! Your love of classic films and fashion has inspired me to branch out in new and unique ways with this blog and I could not be more grateful. Everyone who has requested blog posts or loyally read every post that has been written, I want to give a special thank you to all of you.
Faintly Familiar has expanded my world beyond just what is physically around me and it has connected me to such amazing people. This community has also challenged me in all of the best ways!

Today is a celebration of the Faintly Familiar community you all have built! If it were not for those who cherish this space on the vast internet like I do, we would not be having this anniversary today. With so many exciting experiences ahead of all of us, I cannot wait to share many more blog-iversaries with you all!
Thank you, thank you, thank you all again for your everlasting love and support! Here is to the many more wonderful anniversaries we will all be having together in the years to come!
Much Love,

Congrats girl! This is so amazing and I can’t wait to see what’s to come!
Thank you so much!
Thank you!