What I'm Wearing

The New York Fashion Week Inspired T-Shirt

Not to be dramatic or anything, but I made my first ever purchase from the fashion brand known as Zara and I am pretty proud of it! Shopping at Zara may seem like something that is pretty casual to some people, but to me it was a moment I will never forget.

Ever since the age of about eleven I have loved the fashion brand Zara. This love was not spurred on just from the fabulous fashion that they have, but also because of the women I looked up to who wore this brand. Exhibit A: The Duchess of Cambridge (A.K.A. Kate Middleton)!

Kate Middleton has been a source of style inspiration ever since she married Prince William. The time era surrounding their wedding was the same time I found out that royalty was more than just a part of fairytales. Anyway, Kate always amazed me with her classy outfits and timeless since of style. One brand that she consistently wore (and still wears) that always stood out to me was Zara. Therefore, my love for the brand Zara began.

Because I am from a small town, there isn’t a local Zara store near me. The closest Zara location I have is in Chicago. Luckily, I enjoy road trips and shopping enough to visit the Windy City!

I know this is a little bit of a long explanation just to end up talking about a t-shirt, but to me this is a lot more than just a t-shirt. This is a Zara New York Fashion Week themed t-shirt that I was able to get at a discounted price! It was a magical experience that truly celebrates fashion all around!

It isn’t much more than a simple white t-shirt with a fun graphic on it, but it feels like so much more. Not only does it signify a significant step in my style journey, but it also helps me celebrate other aspects of fashion like New York Fashion Week in any cute casual ensemble I choose to wear. This is a t-shirt that will be sticking around in my closet for years to come, and something you will see me wearing a lot more!

Although I wasn’t able to find a link to this exact t-shirt, I did find some other really cool t-shirts that also celebrates fashion! Hopefully this will also provide some inspiration for all of you to continue to pursue your interests. This little history lesson about my life might seem silly, but there are so many things you can learn from this one story and apply it to a plethora of situations in life.

Much Love,


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