Movie Monday: Laura (1944)
There has only been one Gene Tierney film that I have ever reviewed here on Faintly Familiar. But that is all about to change today! This Movie Monday is featuring the Tierney fanbase classic called Laura.

This will come as a shock to a lot of Gene Tierney fans, but I do not love the film Laura. Although it does highlight some unique aspects of Tierney’s acting abilities, Laura does not hold the attention of an audience well enough for me. The plot is not well conceived and there is things are happening before the viewer can even decipher the entire situation.
Laura is a noir film, so I do take into consideration that I do not particularly love this genre of film when reviewing this movie. However, it is my opinion that Tierney’s best role was in Leave Her to Heaven (1945). Tierney was really able to leave an impression on viewers in that film while Laura may be best known for the painting featured as a decoration.

Since Laura is such a well known film, I would recommend seeing it at least once. But if you do not enjoy noir films you may not be the biggest fan of this movie.
The one aspect I thoroughly enjoyed about Laura was the fashion! Hats, coats, and gorgeous dresses are a consistent theme for Tierney’s wardrobe in this film and they are suited her beautifully! Even the men looked handsome in well fitted suits and fancy fedora style hats!
Although Laura wasn’t my favorite film of all-time or even of Gene Tierney’s career, I do think it is an important film to see at least once time. Classic film lovers know that this movie was important to Tierney’s career and it was a pivotal moment in creating her Femme Fatal image. So, definitely give Laura a watch if you have the time, but otherwise you are not missing too much.
Much Love,

This is the movie that I was wanting to watch when I found that I could no longer get TCM. So after your review, maybe I would not have like it as much as I thought I would??
It depends on whether or not you like Noir films. Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of them, but if you like them than this might have been a good film for you. However, I do think the plot was a little too mixed up to be completely understandable. This is a movie that you should see if you want to, but if you don’t see it you are not missing that much.