Movie Monday: Mrs. Miniver (1942)
This week’s Movie Monday is taking a decidedly serious turn. The film Mrs. Miniver stars Greer Garson, and it is centered around the much discussed World War II timer era. Although I have only ever seen this film one time, Garson’s performance and the storyline of this movie has always stuck with me.

The most powerful aspect of the film Mrs. Miniver is, hands down, the story. Not all movies have a strong story, but Mrs. Miniver does and not only that it is a powerful one too! The whole plot of this film does center around World War II, but not in the same way that other films have done it before. Mrs. Miniver focuses its efforts on showing audiences everywhere what it was like to stay at home and attempt to protect your family as you watched your loved ones go off to war.
I found this storyline quite unique considering that this is not an angle that many films in history have taken. It was always incredibly eye opening for me. Although I have always known it wasn’t easy for people to stay home and keep life going on as normally as they could, I feel like Mrs. Miniver hits home a little more when you see and experience the same sacrifices that each character makes.

Greer Garson was absolutely the perfect choice of leading lady in this film. Mrs. Miniver would not have been the same if someone like Elizabeth Taylor or Bette Davis was playing the lead role. Garson was a bit older when her Hollywood career took off and I truly think that benefitted her as an actress in roles like this one. That underlying confidence and sense of experience that only comes from having lived life always has a way of shining through in Garson’s movies.
I think if you are looking for a classic World War II film that shows a different perspective of the war, Mrs. Miniver is the perfect movie for you! Not to mention, if you have never seen Greer Garson in a film before, I would highly suggest watching at least one and Mrs. Miniver is not a bad place to start.
Much Love,

This movie sounds really good and I think I’m going to try and watch it soon.
It is an excellent movie! I would highly recommend it!