7 Best Work From Home Tips
In the last week, life for many people all around the world has drastically changed. It seemed like just yesterday we were all going about our lives normally and thinking of the future, however, because of the sudden Coronavirus pandemic that has taken over. Many people are now being quarantined (and if you haven’t quarantined your self, you should seriously begin doing it now), and offices around the world are being abandoned by workers in favor of teleworking from home.
If you are one of the people who are finding out they are going to be spending a lot more time at home, here are a few ideas on how to keep your teleworking experience as productive as possible:
#1. Have a Dedicated Work Area
It can be pretty difficult sometimes to combine your home and work areas. Having a dedicated workspace that you have spend time doing the necessary activities 9am-5pm helps to set boundaries for when you will be able to call it a day and relax. These boundaries are so important to having a pleasant experience when working from home.
In fact, once you are officially off the clock forget answering emails, phone calls, and any other messages from your coworkers or boss. Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you are on a perpetual clock. If you are then you need to be getting paid for it.
#2. Turn Your Phone Off
Unless it is absolutely necessary to your job, turn your phone off. The whispers of different social media platforms will call your name and before you know it an hour will have went by and you will be watching a viral video of two people fighting over toilet paper on Twitter. Just turn your phone off and give it all a rest for a while.
If you want to still text and message people there are plenty of ways to do that one a computer while you work. Texting alone will not distract you form getting work done, but social media will. So if you can, leave the phone off.
#3. Get Dressed
Your body and mind both thrive on accountability and routine. If you are used to getting up at a certain time and getting dressed and suddenly that all changes, your body will be thrown for a loop! Give it the comfort it needs in these turbulent times and at least change out of pajamas.
Knowing you have changed clothes will also help get you in the right state of mind to begin working. You will also be very thankful that you got out of your pajamas if you have a virtual meeting! So matter what, getting dressed when working from home is a positive move for everyone!
#4. Keep the News & Other Distracting TV Programs Off
Whether you are working from home because of a hurricane, snow storm, or (the crisis at the moment this blog post was written) if you are being quarantined due to the Coronavirus, sometimes it is best to turn it all off. Listening to the news all day while working can be stressful. Turn off the TV, any news you missed that day you can catch up on once you are finished with your day of work.
Also, forget the binge watching. No need for Netflix or Hulu if you are working. Those things will just distract you and make it so you end up having to do extra work on your time off. Once the clock strikes 5pm, it can be all about binge watching but just know in this case it is not 5 o’clock somewhere.
#5. Eat Breakfast
Eating breakfast is something we can all be better at on a regular basis. However, I think making sure you eat breakfast when working from home can be just as important. Although you may have access to plenty of food when you work at home, it can be difficult to resist the urge to sleep in until you absolutely have to get up and start working or attend that virtual meeting.
Make sure you fuel your brain with food, even if it is just a bowl of cereal. Having something in your stomach will help you focus and keep you going until your lunch break. It also helps with the waking up process so you won’t feel the calling of your bed for the first few hours of work.
#6. Wear Slippers/Socks
Okay, now this is one of the perks of working from home! Wearing slippers while relaxing at wherever you live may be something you are used to on the weekends, however, there is a benefit to doing the same thing when you work from home too. Much like getting dressed in the morning, wearing socks or slippers while you work from home tricks your brain into thinking you are having a normal day at work considering you have your feet covered there too.
It also helps to keep you comfortable while working. The last thing you need to do is keep getting up to get a blanket or jacket or even slippers. Just get everything together before you begin your day of work and be sure to bring your slippers!
#7. Get Up Early
This is all about routine! You might normally have a regular early morning schedule if you were to go into the office, but at home things can be a little more relaxed. While your brain may thank you for the extra sleep, if you sleep too long into the day you may feel less motivated to get work done. If the morning has gone by and you are just now getting out of bed, a large portion of time is now no longer available to accomplish things making the actual day feel so much shorter. Anxiety and stress ensues from there.
It is also harmful for your metabolism to sleep all day not to mention your internal clock. Sleeping longer can also make you feel a little lethargic once you do emerge from your resting spot. Don’t ask me why, but I sometimes feel more tired after getting plenty of rest than I do when I only get a few hours of sleep. The quick fix to this working from home problem? Set a schedule and get up early.
I hope these tips serve you as a helping hand! As of right now, I am sharing these tips to help those who are working from home because of the Coronavirus pandemic, but whether you are in a hurricane or snow storm these tips are still helpful. I hope everyone stays safe and takes care of themselves!
Much Love, (and wash your hands)