How to Stay Entertained While Stuck at Home
At the time this blog post is being written, the whole world seems to be in “shelter in place” mode due to the Coronavirus world pandemic. It would also seem that no matter who you ask, we all have a little extra time on our hands to spend at home. After nearly two weeks of practicing social distancing, I can tell you that these four walls can feels almost stifling at times.
Today I want to share with you some of the way I and other people I know have been able to ward off the staleness of being at home for days on end. It is time to seize the opportunity we have! We are being given a chance to do just what we would like within the confines of our homes, what a perfect chance to grow your interests!
#1. Try Out a New Recipe
Remember all of those recipes you have pinned on Pinterest? Well, now is your chance to give them a try! I know some resources and foods are in short supply, but since you have enough time why not try to bake that pie you wanted to make? Or a home made soup? You never know what might become an instant favorite!
#2. Learn a New Language
We have the world wide web at our fingertips. There are endless resources on the internet that can help you to learn a new language, if you so choose. Want to brush up on the language you learned in high school? Now is your chance!
As for me, I am attempting to learn Polish using the amazing and FREE app Duolingo! Yes, the free part is important to me. 🙂 I would also like to brush up on my Spanish, French, and learn some sign language. Depending on how long this shelter in place order lasts, I might get the opportunity!
#3. Read Books
Okay, this might seem like a given for some people. But not everyone is an avid reader, and sometimes they wish they had more time to read that one book they have been saying they would like to read. Now, we have no more excuses and we can read all to our hearts desire! Or we can listen to as many audiobooks as we would like (a good choice for doing other things around the house!).
Since I am a college student, my time reading is dedicate towards classwork, but I do have a few books in mind that I will hopefully read in the near future. Until then, read my share for me!
#4. Try an At Home Workout
The gyms are closed, but that doesn’t mean we have to sit around all day. This is another instance where we are all lucky to be at home with the access of the internet. Just go to YouTube, type in literally any kind of exercise you might normally do and workout with a video playing. I know there are also a ton of yoga resources that are perfect for lowering anxiety and stress levels.
#5. Binge Watch a New Show
This tip is a bit of a contrast from #4, but I think we all need a rest every once in a while! With subscription services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ there is an endless amount on content on each. Binge a new show and make that series an exciting and memorable experience for yourself. Then once this social distance phase is over you will be able to look back at the shows you watched with fond memories of joy.
Also, don’t forget to catchup with your favorite YouTubers! A lot of creators on that platforms are making a lot of content right now since they are also stuck at home, and there videos can sometimes be just as entertaining as anything you would see on a subscription platform.
#6. Play Your Favorite Board Games
Remember that one board game you played with your family every New Years? Now is the time to break it out again and test you skills! This is an especially helpful tip if you are at home with friends or family, but it can also work for single people too. There are video games you can play by yourself or online with others, so don’t worry about having to just sit there are stare at a Monopoly board.
#7. Maybe It Is Time for a Little Spring Cleaning
It’s March. You probably already know that, but I thought I would just remind you because it is officially spring! A lot of great things happen in the springtime and sometimes that includes spring cleaning!
Some people feel really good about having a clean space and have already cleaned out there whole house, but let’s face it as we stay indoors all day everyday the rooms will get really messy really fast. So, don’t worry about being bored. You can just keep cleaning forever. :/
I hope this blog post was useful in some way, even if it was just to take a few minutes of the time you would normally spend scrolling mindlessly through Twitter. As for me, I will be working on classes and watching my favorite classic films!
Much Love,