Movie Monday: Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956)
It has been a few weeks since I have publish a new blog post or a new Movie Monday. Surprisingly, this summer has proven to be very busy for me despite staying home. But I hope to start posting more regularly and that begins today!
If you have been watching the news lately you might have heard that the United States government is soon going to release documents about aliens. What ironic timing! A couple of weeks back I watched the movie Earth vs. the Flying Saucers. Therefore, it only feels right that this would be the film I review on this Monday.

For a film that was made in the 1950s, I was very impressed by the special effects! It was very easy to see how these special effects were achieved, though. But since they were not equipped with the technology we have today, I can see why the film makers decided to use claymation. The details in the claymation were quite excellent too!
As a fan of the classic episodes of The Twilight Zone, Earth vs. the Flying Saucers had a clear pathway to my heart. It was a really nice throwback to the origins of sci-fi films. The story is classic and still somehow contemporary (especially since we are supposed to learn more about potential aliens from these documents coming out).

There were no big names acting in this film which I believe helped this movie remain a classic. The two leading actors in Earth vs. the Flying Saucers were Joan Taylor and Hugh Marlowe. I have never seen either of those actors in any other film before watching this movie, but I thought they balanced one another out really well. I am glad that this movie did not try to go down the path of getting someone like James Stewart or Bette Davis. Big names and reputations are not always a sure way to make a film a classic.
Much Love,