Where on Earth Have I Been?!?

I’m baaaaaack!!!!
Ever since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems life became very chaotic! What have I been up to? Well, I completed my undergraduate degree, was accepted into my dream graduate school program, competed for the title of Miss Illinois in the Miss America Organization, started graduate school, secured an internship for summer 2022, and felt the full range of emotions that go along with driving the loss of a grandparent. Whew, that was a lot! Did I mention that my older brother got married somewhere in the middle of all of that?
Needless to say, although this website has been what one might call inactive, I have certainly not been inactive. There are so many things I want to catch you all up on and share in more detail, which I will, but there are no promises when it comes to more regular posts like I had every Monday with class film reviews but I am still a grad student who also works. But I want to give life to Faintly Familiar again, if for nothing else than just sharing and documenting life again.
So why did I stop writing? Well, besides the general chaos of life happening, I think I lost some of the passion I had for writing that I had when I started this website. Creating content for this space on the internet began feeling more like an obligation, which it was never intended to be. This website was supposed to be a fun hobby where family, friends, and strangers alike can share in interesting topics and a mutual love for fashion, films, and life. I needed a break to figure out more about myself and where I want to be personally as well. The break was unplanned, but very much necessary.
That being said, I have a renewed desire to create content for this website and I can truly say that I have never been so happy in my personal life than I am right now. This time around might look a little different with the content I publish for this website, but I promise it will still be a fun, lighthearted space for you to escape to when the world gets crazy (when is it ever not crazy?).
So, here is to more Faintly Familiar content and 2022 being the year we want it to be!
Much Love,