• Movie Monday: Gentleman’s Agreement (1947)

    Today’s Movie Monday film review is about the movie that got my love for all classic films started. Gentleman’s Agreement was a movie I just happen to stumble up one Saturday about four years ago. Since initially watching this movie I have become a huge advocate of all things Old Hollywood! I could not be more grateful for this film and getting the opportunity to see it. A ton of thanks goes to the Turner Classic Movies television network for simply existing because that is how I have explored almost all of the classic films I have watched. Now that I have got that off my chest, let’s get this…

  • Hollywood Royalty

    Hollywood is no stranger to turning some of its biggest stars into real life royalty. We all witnessed the fairytale wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. But Markle was not the first actresses turned princess to come out of Hollywood! Today I am taking a look back at the royal relationships that has involved some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Rita Hayworth These photos are not mine. Arguably the trendsetter for this phenomenon, no one had ever seen a Hollywood actress date a foreign prince before Rita Hayworth did. Way back in 1948, Rita was traveling the world as a superstar after her many…