• Movie Monday: Laura (1944)

    There has only been one Gene Tierney film that I have ever reviewed here on Faintly Familiar. But that is all about to change today! This Movie Monday is featuring the Tierney fanbase classic called Laura. This will come as a shock to a lot of Gene Tierney fans, but I do not love the film Laura. Although it does highlight some unique aspects of Tierney’s acting abilities, Laura does not hold the attention of an audience well enough for me. The plot is not well conceived and there is things are happening before the viewer can even decipher the entire situation. Laura is a noir film, so I do…

  • Movie Monday: Leave Her to Heaven (1945)

    On this Movie Monday, we a discussion one of the last great noir films: Leave Her to Heaven. The color pallet used in this film is not one you would expect of a drama/mystery. Technicolor was used to its utmost in this movie and it added to the intense plot that thickened as it went along. These photos are not mine. Although today we consider Leave Her to Heaven a classic, this movie did not go over as well with critics in 1945. Despite this, the story arch in this spoke to audiences at the time and was one of the highest grossing movies for 20th Century Fox in the 1940s.…

  • Hollywood Royalty

    Hollywood is no stranger to turning some of its biggest stars into real life royalty. We all witnessed the fairytale wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. But Markle was not the first actresses turned princess to come out of Hollywood! Today I am taking a look back at the royal relationships that has involved some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Rita Hayworth These photos are not mine. Arguably the trendsetter for this phenomenon, no one had ever seen a Hollywood actress date a foreign prince before Rita Hayworth did. Way back in 1948, Rita was traveling the world as a superstar after her many…