• The Faux Cardigan

    Burgundy is one of my favorites colors to wear this time of year! The ways to wear it and what you can mix it with is endless. And it always look so cute with a pair of brown ankle boots! Today I’m wearing a shirt from Shein that looks layered but it isn’t at all. It is a faux layered look, and it is one of my favorites tricks of the trade when the days get colder! Although I do love to layer with coats and vests, but I’m not much of a cardigan girl. This top is perfect for me because it looks like a button up with a…

  • A Thanksgiving Travel Look

    The holiday travel season is officially upon us! With Thanksgiving just right around the corner (that is if you live in the United States), it is time we start thinking about traveling and packing all of the fashionable essentials! What are my go-to travel looks? Well, in the fall and winter months I love to layer! A good vest or jacket can go a long way in my book! With this look above, I am wearing two of my favorite colors: blue and gold. Pairing these colors together add so much fun and spice to an otherwise earthy toned season. The contrast between the bright yellow and navy blue is…