• My Brother’s College Graduation

    It is on graduation day your realize how fast four years can go by. This past weekend my big brother graduated from college. I remember the day we dropped him off at his dorm at the beginning of his freshman year, now he had graduated and on the job hunt. They grow up so fast! I was even more personally invested in the last two years of my brother’s undergraduate college experience since I had finally joined him on campus as a student at the University of Illinois. So, to sit on the sidelines and watch my brother Jacob graduate really puts a lot into perspective. There were two different…

  • The 2019 Illinois Daughters of the American Revolution State Conference

    This past weekend, my Mom and I attended the Illinois Daughters of the 2019 American Revolution State Conference. Every year members of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution gather together to celebrate historic preservation, education, and patriotism. If you are not a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, check out how you can become a member here! Anyway, my Mother and I are lucky to be apart of this wonderful society and a equally wonderful local chapter! Last year was the first time I had Paged at the state conference because I was a new member. However, after Paging last year I knew I wanted to…

  • Moms Weekend 2019

    This past weekend was Moms Weekend on the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus, and it was sadly my brother’s (he is a senior) final year to celebrate. Today I wanted to share a little bit of what we did this Moms Weekend and how we kept a family tradition going strong. I know that typically the weekend is for catching up on sleep, but for the past five years we have volunteered for Campus and Community Day that just happens to fall on Moms Weekend. So we got up early to go put labels on packages that would later be filled with rice and oats and given to folks who…

  • My Hair Journey with Formulate

    You may be wondering why I am holding a bottle of shampoo and conditioner in the photos above. Well, today I want to talk a little bit about my hair journey with the awesome brand Formulate! Before we get started, though, I want to include the link here real quick in case you want to enter my giveaway for Formulate. I will talk about the giveaway more later in this post, but if you follow me on Instagram you already heard me talk about it on my stories. If you don’t follow me, no worries the link will be available later in the post, too! For years I have struggled…

  • My Night at the Fisher Fair

    Thank goodness it is finally fair season! There is nothing better than spending a night going on rides and hanging out with those who matter to you most. The sight of the carnival lights at night are one more reason county fairs are so magical! Left to right: Me, Arianna Thompson, and Maddie Flesner (2016 Miss Edgar County Fair Queen) I had never been to the Fisher Fair before, but I was so excited to learn a dear friend of mine, Arianna Thompson, was competing in the Jr. Miss Fisher Fair Queen contest! We all wore the best shade of teal we could find to match her dress and cheer…