• Movie Monday: Gentleman’s Agreement (1947)

    Today’s Movie Monday film review is about the movie that got my love for all classic films started. Gentleman’s Agreement was a movie I just happen to stumble up one Saturday about four years ago. Since initially watching this movie I have become a huge advocate of all things Old Hollywood! I could not be more grateful for this film and getting the opportunity to see it. A ton of thanks goes to the Turner Classic Movies television network for simply existing because that is how I have explored almost all of the classic films I have watched. Now that I have got that off my chest, let’s get this…

  • Movie Monday: The Women (1939)

    These photos are not mine. If you love fashion as much as I do, and that is a whole lot, this is a must see film!! Although The Women fails the “Bechdel Test” because all of the women in this film pretty much always end up talking about the allusive “Steve” who never appears on screen, this is still a triumphant film for women! The cast was ALL FEMALE! Right down to the animals that appear in the movie. Some of the most glamorous women of the 1930s starred together in The Women and went on to create a cinematic masterpiece!! These photos are not mine. One of my favorite actresses, Norma Shearer, wore…