• How Veronica Lake Changed Her Hair and Career

    If you ever feel like your hair is a large part of what makes you feel like yourself, you may not be the only one. Hair is such a influential part of how we are viewed and there is one fantastic example of this. Veronica Lake was a Old Hollywood actress who became famous for her “Peek-a-Boo” hairstyle. Unfortunately, being known for this hairstyle would ultimately be the demise of her acting career. These photos are not mine. The story goes that Veronica Lake was like any other Hollywood actress when, one day while filming, Lake’s hair randomly fell over one of her eyes. It instantly became her signature look!…

  • Movie Monday: I Married a Witch (1942)

    Continuing on with the monthlong theme of classic films that are perfect for Halloween, today’s film is one that inspired a television show! I Married a Witch was the movie that cause Bewitched to come to life. The classic 60’s, Bewitched, was one of the reasons I decided to go into the advertising profession, I used to watch Darrin Stevens work on all of the ad campaigns and it excited me. What a chain of events! Technically, I suppose you could say that I Married a Witch gave me my career path! These photos are not mine. This film, starring Veronica Lake and Fredric March, had some onset secrets. Behind the scenes…