
R.I.P. Kate Spade


On June 5th, 2018, the world lost a great creative mind. Kate Spade was an inspiration to me and many other individuals who loved her designs. Her iconic logo makes the heart of many people skip a beat when they see it because that was always a symbol for grace and style.

I have loved Kate Spade’s design since the moment I saw my first purse from the design house. Was it the simplicity of design? The enticing textures used? Or was the Kate Spade logo so uniquely placed on the bag that everyone couldn’t help but automatically believe it was high end? For whatever reason, I knew I wanted to own at least one Kate Spade piece someday. When the shocking news of Kate Spade’s apparent suicide came amid a beautiful Tuesday morning, it didn’t seem to fit in with the songbirds outside.

It was then, in a moment of reflection, that I realized we will never truly lose Kate Spade. She will forever be with us because she was brave enough to put her ideas out into the world. Every time we carry a purse or wear a dress from the Kate Spade fashion house we keep Kate and her ideas alive.

I will forever be grateful that Kate Spade, on a leap of passion, shared the gift of her creativity with the world. She is one of my inspirations and is one of the many reasons I even started this blog.

Rest in Peace Katherine Brosnahan. You will never be forgotten.


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