Movie Monday: The Women (1939)
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If you love fashion as much as I do, and that is a whole lot, this is a must see film!! Although The Women fails the “Bechdel Test” because all of the women in this film pretty much always end up talking about the allusive “Steve” who never appears on screen, this is still a triumphant film for women!
The cast was ALL FEMALE! Right down to the animals that appear in the movie. Some of the most glamorous women of the 1930s starred together in The Women and went on to create a cinematic masterpiece!!
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One of my favorite actresses, Norma Shearer, wore some of the most fabulous looks in The Women. Not only that but Joan Crawford and Rosalind Russell wore some very telling pieces that coincide with the film’s storyline perfectly. At one point, Rosalind Russell’s character wears a beautiful dress that happens to have three eyes on the bodice. This really solidified Rosalind as the gossip of her friend group because as she wears this dress she tells her friends some juicy gossip that I will not spoil for you all if you have not yet seen this movie.
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There are some really clever quips in this movie, too. You will have to listen closely to what each character is saying because they talk rather fast past, but not so fast they do not make sense. Let me put it this way, if you like Gilmore Girls you will really like this movie! It has all the female empowerment and family factors that Gilmore Girls has and it also has the fast little jokes that never cease to make me laugh.
Also, the fact that this film somehow made the name of a nail polish color iconic is pretty amazing! Again, if you have not seen this movie I highly advise that you do! But for the those who have see The Women before all I will say is “jungle red”.
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Now THIS is a film that loves fashion!! Maybe even more than Funny Face or Devil Wears Prada! The Women loves fashion so much that it added a whole fashion show in technicolor! This part of the movie was a real surprise and joy to see the first time I watched it, I was surprised to later learn that the film’s director George Cukor regretted adding the fashion show. I guess he didn’t think it made any sense with the story, but to me it makes The Women so much more memorable!
During this fashion show you can see how modern clothes still take cues from the fashion of the 1930s. The ruffles, mermaid styled evening gowns, and the structured shoulders that have been slowly fading back into style. All of these qualities and so much more show up in the fashion show in this film, and it is so fascinating to see the difference between the runway back then and the runway now!
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Overall, this is hands down one of my favorite films! For more than one reason this film speaks to me. I do not know if it is the fact that it is a fantastic all women film, the stunning fashion, or if my love for Norma Shearer films is just shining through. Whatever the reason is, I am on board!
Now, if you need me I will be getting my nails painted a beautiful shade of “jungle red”.
Much Love,