How Veronica Lake Changed Her Hair and Career
If you ever feel like your hair is a large part of what makes you feel like yourself, you may not be the only one. Hair is such a influential part of how we are viewed and there is one fantastic example of this. Veronica Lake was a Old Hollywood actress who became famous for her “Peek-a-Boo” hairstyle. Unfortunately, being known for this hairstyle would ultimately be the demise of her acting career.
These photos are not mine.
The story goes that Veronica Lake was like any other Hollywood actress when, one day while filming, Lake’s hair randomly fell over one of her eyes. It instantly became her signature look! Everyone on set knew that this particular hairstyle needed to be her trademark, and hairstylist on set began purposely laying her hair over one of her eyes.
With her gorgeous long locks, Veronica Lake’s hairstyle took over the hair trends of that time! Women were running to salons to get their hair done in a similar fashion. It was all about the deep side part to one side, and only one eye showing. It gave Lake, and all of the ladies who copied her, a kind of mysterious style that was perfect for any femme fatal.
Veronica Lake demonstrating how her hairstyle could get caught in machinery. *These photos are not mine.*
However, despite the popularity of this “Peek-a-Boo” hairstyle, Lake’s hair wouldn’t be all the rage for much longer. It was during World War II that ladies began taking the jobs that men left behind when they went to war. With these jobs were often time in factories, wearing and doing the same things as before would not work for many women.
The United States Government knew that this popular hairstyle would not function well with the modern times of rationing while the war was going on. Pretty much all of Hollywood were solicited to help the war effort, and encouraged to help boost the nation’s morale in any way possible. Veronica Lake was one of those dedicated Hollywood actresses.
With the ladies who were working in factories in mind, the United States Government approached Veronica Lake about changing her hair. They thought if Lake changed her hair to reflect something more simple and functional maybe everyone else would follow along. So she did change her hair, and she even recorded a hair tutorial that can be found today on YouTube.
Veronica Lake’s hairstyle change. *These photos are not mine.*
Needless to say, this new hair change did not go over well with fans. She was no longer seen as a desirable and mysterious lady. The hair change made made her appear older than what she really was, and took away much of the glamour that came along with the “Peek-a-Boo” hair. In addition, she started losing her position in Hollywood as a femme fatal.
Pretty soon after this hair change Veronica Lake was no longer being given starring roles in Hollywood. Many have attributed this to her being notoriously difficult to work with, but others have said it was purely because of this hairstyle change. We may never really know why Lake’s career took a dive, but this entire story is very unique and interesting. Lake may have had a longer career in Hollywood if it were not for this misstep in her career. I guess the lesson to learn here is, if it isn’t broken don’t try to fix it.
Much Love,