Movie Monday: Funny Face (1957)
Audrey Hepburn is known as one of the most stylish ladies in cinema history for a good reason! There is no better example of this than the film Funny Face. Not to mention the classic dancing scenes and songs that are scattered throughout this film, it is no wonder Funny Face is held in high esteem.
These photos are not mine.
I simply love Funny Face for a number of reasons, one being how bright and colorful it is! For 1957, its scenes vibrantly fill the screen with colors, motion, and sounds that makes this film an overall exciting experience. With all of the senses being used, this is the perfect movie for high fashion!
Again, Audrey Hepburn is a style icon for a reason and this movie not only solidifies that spot for Hepburn, but it always adds to the collection of looks we see her wear in her career. Hepburn starts out very dull looking (if that is even possible for her) at the beginning of this film. As Funny Face progresses, however, we see Hepburn’s character make a sort of Cinderella transformation and become the style icon we all new she was. This sort of character development an also be seen in other films like The Devil Wears Prada (2006).
These photos are not mine.
Although the world the was in awe of Audrey Hepburn, when it came to filming Funny Face it was her turn to be star struck! Hepburn was a huge fan of Fred Astaire, and when she learned that he would be her co-star for this film it was hard for her to contain her excitement. Despite all of the initial excitement, the nerves were also running high. When it came to dancing, Hepburn was trained but she was no Fred Astaire. With singing, she was not trained at all in that art.
To get over these nerves, Hepburn danced for hours at a time practicing with Astaire. These two became a great dancing due, though. The movie was beautifully choreographed and the dancing was perfect. And if Audrey was still worried about her singing voice, she really had to reason to. It seems like she was naturally talented in the singing realm also.
These photos are not mine.
Now I can’t review Funny Face without mentioning the unforgettable fashion moments that were had throughout the film! In my opinion, this movie had some of the most iconic looks from her entire career besides Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961). The red dress pictured above is my absolute favorite look from this entire film! It is stunning on so many levels. I also love the Parisian chic ensemble she would with the bright and colorful balloons that is also pictured in this post.
Givenchy and Hepburn made a great duo, and this film is the proof. He created fashion for the woman, and not just to be on trend. This created such a comfortable atmosphere for Hepburn that she was able to wear clothing that made her feel most like herself, and that is always a huge key to success when it comes to fashion.
If you haven’t seen Funny Face yet, I highly suggest that you watch it as soon as possible. This movie has all of the elements of a classic!
Much Love,
Source for some of the fun facts found in this review: http://www.tcm.com/this-month/article/102790%7C0/Funny-Face.html