• The London Trip: Day 1

    After a week of recovery and trying to get back into the mode of college classes, I have finally found the time to sit down and tell you all about the awesome trip my brother Jacob and I took on fall break. Keep in mind that our fall break was only a week long, so our trip was relatively short. But man did we do a lot of cool thing while we were there! If you haven’t heard yet, or seen on my social media, my older brother Jacob and I took a small trip to London on our fall break! In total, it took us 6 days (we originally…

  • Movie Monday: Funny Face (1957)

    Audrey Hepburn is known as one of the most stylish ladies in cinema history for a good reason! There is no better example of this than the film Funny Face. Not to mention the classic dancing scenes and songs that are scattered throughout this film, it is no wonder Funny Face is held in high esteem. These photos are not mine. I simply love Funny Face for a number of reasons, one being how bright and colorful it is! For 1957, its scenes vibrantly fill the screen with colors, motion, and sounds that makes this film an overall exciting experience. With all of the senses being used, this is the…