I Love Lucy & Her Style
I love the I Love Lucy television show! The many funny elements in this show was highly influential on me and crafted a large portion of my humor. When attempting to be funny (that’s right, I said attempting because who really knows if I am ever truly funny. But hey, a girl can try!), so many times my jokes can be very over-the-top like what would be on the I Love Lucy Show.
The comedy wasn’t the only influential part of Lucile Ball’s career, however. When thinking of the typical 1950’s ladies fashion we often think of Lucy’s style. Today I want to talk a closer look at some of the iconic outfits that Lucy wore in her very first television show!

Lucille Ball may not be held in the same high fashion regard as someone like Audrey Hepburn, but that doesn’t mean Lucy didn’t know fashion! In some ways she was her very own (and highly underrated) fashionista. Anyone who has watched one of her pre-I Love Lucy films then you know that she wore some gorgeous gowns in those movies!
Obviously there was a costume designer on her films and probably her television shows too, but that doesn’t mean that Lucy never got a say in what she would be wearing in front of the huge audiences. Lucy had a voice in almost every aspect of her television shows and it would be naive to think that her style choices would be any different.
The general style (with some slight differences depending on what Lucy is trying to achieve in that episode) consists of dresses that fall in line with the Christian Dior’s New Look, pump heels, sophisticated hats, large collars, preppy style layerings, plenty of prints (particularly polka dots), and groundbreaking pants. Yes, women wearing pants back in the 1950’s was pretty shocking. Thankfully people like Lucy were willing to take the heat of wearing them and now women of today have so much more liberty in fashion.

I do not own this image.

I do not own this image.
Most of all, I think Lucy’s fearlessness within the fashion department is the most impressive and influential. The fact that she dressed up as so many different things throughout her career and she did it without the fear of wondering what people would say. Lucy wasn’t wearing outfits to be pretty, she wore them to be funny and to most importantly be herself. Now that is what I call inspiring!
Much Love,

I’ve seen this show a couple of times it’s pretty good! I love her style as well!
It is always so cute and such a classic 50’s style! 🙂
I Love Lucy is a great show!! I loved watching it. And she does have some good fashion too!
I Love Lucy is one of my favorite shows of all time!!
I feel we see so much of her in today’s fashion and Im glad it’s coming back
I totally agree! It is so exciting to see little bits of retro fashion come back into style!