My Night in the Press Box
In the last almost four semesters that I have been studying at the University of Illinois one of the most important things that I have learned is to take chances. Now, I am not telling you to get too risky or to start breaking laws. I am just simply saying that when the opportunity to try a new food or visit a new place presents itself you should take it. This semester I am expanding my own horizons by taking two journalism classes, and the writer in me is loving it!
For my Journalism 210 class I had the awesome opportunity of getting to experience spend a night covering an Illini Women’s Basketball game in the press box and then the entire class got to sit in on the press conference afterwards! Today, I am going to give you a little sneak peek at what that night was like and what beautiful view the press has of the basketball court.

Let me tell you, the seats in the press area are SO comfortable! If lecture halls had these kinds of seats I honestly think more people would attend class. It doesn’t hurt that there is also a television on the desk in front, but I digress.
The view of the court is absolutely beautiful and at just the perfect distance from all of the action that you can see everything without straining. Another perk was the free popcorn and fountain drinks that were available right outside the media room where all of the press conferences are held.

After the game, it was time to head to the press conference (my first press conference experience might I add)! Seeing the room alone was really exciting because you always see media rooms on the news. Being inside this press conference area really just made the whole process of how the news is made, no matter the form it takes, that much more real.
I sat near the front to get a good view of the players and coaches who would be talking to the media. The room was packed with my peers and members of the regular media outlets. Hearing them ask the players and coaches questions was fascinating for two reasons. One, they knew way more about the intricacies of basketball than I will ever know. Two, because their questions were so well thought out, yet I am sure they only took but a moment to conjure up. These reporters really had a grasp on the issues at hand and who was a shining star in that night’s game.
If you are a freshman in college or about to graduate from high school and you just happen to be reading this, my message to you is to reach outside of your own box. Don’t be scared to take classes outside of your major or even your interests. You may not always find the subjects taught to you intriguing (especially in the general education classes that are required), but I promise you will always walk away having learned something. Who knows, it may even lead you to having cool new experiences like the one I had only a few nights ago in the press box!
Much Love,

Hugo Calderon
Congratulations Sarah !!! Keep on doing what you love.
Thank you, Hugo!!
Oh what a cool experience um free popcorn with a great view yes please!
That is what I am saying too! Yes, please!!
Wow what an awesome experience!
It was so cool!
What a great experience!!! and great advice too
Thank you! It was so much fun!