What I'm Wearing

The Color of 2019

Last November, Pantone announced there annual color of the year and 2019’s color is called “Living Coral”! This shade of coral had, from what I can tell, undertones of peach and red. Although this color may not be my favorite (let’s be honest, I would prefer a pink of some kind :)), I can definitely see where “Living Coral” can be used in fashion.

Recently, I found this sweater at Old Navy and it reminded me of the “Living Coral” color! Besides adding that pop of color that winter wardrobes often times need, this bright shade can also provide a lot of versatility to how you layer sweaters. This Old Navy sweater is thin enough to put a heavier sweater or cardigan overtop or (if it is spring like right now) you can wear it on its own.

So, if you didn’t know that this is the color of the year, you know now! That is what I am here for, giving you all of the information you need to make fashionable decisions!

Much Love,


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  • Mary

    For this year a goal of mine is to be more adventurous with color! So once I find something I love in the shade I’m definitely picking it up!

    • admin

      That is so awesome! I love that you have that goal, and that this post helped you find a color you want to wear! Can’t wait to see how you incorporate this color into your style!!