Movie Monday: Sabrina (1954)
Recently, I re-watched the film Sabrina starring Audrey Hepburn and I became so inspired by both the fashion and the acting. That inspiration has led me here to this Movie Monday to review this classic film!

Sabrina is full of symbolism and metaphors which is one of the reasons I love watching it! In one scene we see Audrey Hepburn’s character speak with her father through a window while he is standing in their shared home’s kitchen. This, in my opinion, is supposed to symbolize her feeling like an outsider in many ways including in comparison to the wealthy family who the man she loves is a member of.
This movie incorporates the city of Paris beautifully within the storyline. I like how they use this location without making the whole film about Paris. Don’t get me wrong, I love the seeing the sites of France in films as much as anyone (maybe even more), however, it would not have served the plot of this film correctly. The best use of Paris in Sabrina was the stunning clothes!

I would be remiss if I did not review the stunning fashion that is featured in Sabrina! Edith Head was the lady who created these ensembles and inevitably changed costume design in movies, if I might add. My favorite ensemble from this film is the stunning white dress with embroidered details Sabrina wears when she waits at the tennis court!
This film just goes to show that the as fun as it is to change your hair, a change of mind is way more impactful. Sabrina’s expanded fashion has a lot more to do with her broadened perspective than it does a trip to Paris. We see Hepburn’s character see people and events in a different light than she did before she left home, and that may be the most important lesson to take away from this film. Although we may think we want one thing or person, sometimes what is really good for us has been there all along. All it takes is a new viewpoint to see it.
Much Love,