Fashion According to That Girl
One of the classic television shows I always loved to watch growing up was the show That Girl! The fashion featured in every episode was always one of my favorite aspects of That Girl and kept me tuning in. Today I want to share my analysis of the fashion displayed in the show That Girl and how it changed over the years.

For five seasons Ann Marie of the show That Girl inspired generations of women (including myself) to follow their dreams. Another thing Ann happened to do was have a knack for dressing with all of the fashion trends!
Over the course of the television show That Girl, Ann Marie changed her style to reflect the changing times a lot like another one of my classic television show influences — Samantha Stevens. Since That Girl began in the mid 60’s, you can definitely see how the amazing Jackie O. played a key role in shifting the style of that decade.
At the beginning of the show, Marlo Thomas’ leading character wore a lot of fun and colorful sheet dresses that took a more a-line shape. The colors were the main focus of the clothing in the 1960’s and often times took on a more pastel shade. In addition, accessories were a huge focus both in the outfits that were featured at the beginning of the show That Girl and in the fashions of that time era.

As the the 1970’s slowly approached, there is a definite change in the color scheme presented in the show That Girl. A lot more neon colors and tones that typically clash are paired which is something that happened a lot in the 70’s. It was much less about the accessories and more about the bright colors and simple patterns that began being introduced into the fashion.

Finally, by end the of the show you can see how different 70’s fashion is from the 60’s. The clothing was not as neatly tailored and it certainly was more loose fitting. There were fewer accessories and more elements built into the pieces of clothing like fringe. And colors and prints were all having the time to shine that they deserved.
Marlo Thomas’ That Girl character did more than just inspire fashion, though. She also inspired people everywhere to chase their dreams, even if it does get you in a few sticky situations. Of course, it also helps that Thomas proved in the show That Girl that you can follow your dreams in a fashionable way, too.
Much Love,