Movie Monday: Notorious (1946)
I have noticed that on Movie Mondays I do not feature the talented Alfred Hitchcock enough. Well, today I am going to change that! Today’s film review is all about the Hitchcock classic called Notorious.

As with all Hitchcock films, Notorious is full of amazing camera angles and interesting audience perspectives. One of my favorite scenes is where the amazingly talented Ingrid Bergman looks through binoculars and you can see the race she is watching reflected in the lenses. There is something very mysterious as well as creative in that scene that makes you wonder if Bergman’s character is in fact on the good side or bad side of this plot.

Notorious wouldn’t be the classic film it is today if it were not for the incredible actors who star in this film. Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, and Claude Rains all share chemistry that is unmatched by any other set of stars in a Hitchcock film.
Of course, you all probably already know how big of a fan I am of Ingrid Bergman. Notorious really sets her apart from the character she played in Casablanca, in my opinion. With this film she displays her immense talent in drama instead of being simply a love interest for romantic films.
The same thing can be said about Grant’s and Rain’s performance in Notorious. Grant plays the perfect mysterious counterpart to Bergman while Rains embodies that evil man we are all somewhat rooting for him to be in the film.
Overall, Notorious is nothing short of amazing. Nothing in this movie is disappointing and it remains one of my Alfred Hitchcock masterpieces.
Much Love,