• Movie Monday: Bravados (1958)

    It’s time to take a break from romantic movies after celebrating Valentine’s Day. Today I want to talk about one of my favorite western films. Bravados is one of the many western themed movies starring Gregory Peck. It isn’t everyday that I share a western film that I enjoyed, however, today is different. This particular western film has many unique elements that makes it stand out of the western genre. Bravados has a lot more dialogue throughout the movie that other westerns do not have, and it also a lot more color. Of course, this movie was made in the day of technicolor so that could be a major reason…

  • Movie Monday: Giant (1956)

    Today I am reviewing my first my Elizabeth Taylor film! This is my favorite movie that she starred in and Taylor is not the only one who is well known. Giant has a star studded cast with a story just as memorable as the talent. Giant is a rather long film, but if you have nothing better to do on a Saturday it is the perfect movie to watch! In my opinion, this is Elizabeth Taylor’s best film but at the same time I have not seen many of her other works. Until I watch another Taylor film that tops my list, Giant takes the Elizabeth Taylor cake. What really…

  • Movie Monday: Paris When It Sizzles (1964)

    It has been a while since I reviewed a Audrey Hepburn film and, in my opinion, that is just unacceptable! So today that changes! The featured film this Movie Monday, and one of my favorite Audrey Hepburn movies, is Paris When It Sizzles! Back when this film premiered, Paris When It Sizzles was not a considered a classic. This was actually one of Hepburn’s more underrated movies, but I cannot understand why! The storyline in this film is full of creativity and excitement! There is also a lot of humor that is found within the lines and story plot of Paris When It Sizzles. Typically, when I look for a…

  • Movie Monday: Flesh and the Devil (1926)

    After waiting for what felt like an eternity, I have finally seen the iconic silent film Flesh and the Devil! As I have previously stated, John Gilbert is one of my absolute favorite actors. Until now, I haven’t shared this on Faintly Familiar, but Greta Garbo is my favorite silent film actress. Flesh and the Devil is the perfect matchup of silent film actors and I cannot wait to review it, so here we go! Flesh and the Devil is a film that you really need to pay attention to in order to understand the timeline of events taking place. However, the attention will payoff in the end because the…

  • Movie Monday: My Reputation (1946)

    Today I want to put a spotlight on a classic film that is often times over looked. This week’s Movie Monday is all about the 1946 film My Reputation starring Barbara Stanwyck. Not only does this movie have a lot to say about the social stigma that comes along with remarrying after the loss of a spouse, but it also says a lot about handling criticism from the public. Barbara Stanwyck is possibly the perfect actress in all of film history to fit the role as a leading lady in My Reputation. No one else could have the same steely determination that Stanwyck displays in this film. This character must…

  • Movie Monday: It (1927)

    Long before “It” became synonymous with Stephen King and his scary stories, “It” was known for making Clara Bow a superstar! This Movie Monday I am reviewing a classic film from the silent era that not too many people mention. It was a highly influential movie, in my opinion, and deserves a lot more credit for changing the film industry. The movie It is very modern in a lot of ways. That is not something you would really except from a film made in the 1920’s, but here I am saying it. The storyline follows a very progressive way of looking at romance stories, and never puts Clara Bow in…

  • Movie Monday: Notorious (1946)

    I have noticed that on Movie Mondays I do not feature the talented Alfred Hitchcock enough. Well, today I am going to change that! Today’s film review is all about the Hitchcock classic called Notorious. As with all Hitchcock films, Notorious is full of amazing camera angles and interesting audience perspectives. One of my favorite scenes is where the amazingly talented Ingrid Bergman looks through binoculars and you can see the race she is watching reflected in the lenses. There is something very mysterious as well as creative in that scene that makes you wonder if Bergman’s character is in fact on the good side or bad side of this…

  • Movie Monday: Sudden Fear (1952)

    It’s time to take a moment and appreciate how amazing Joan Crawford was as an actress. Sudden Fear is one movie that she not only starred in, but also made up for the lack of co-stars who were equally talented. I’m not saying that the other actors were bad necessarily, but I will explain my position more in this review. Let me pick up where I left off above, Joan Crawford is undeniably the star of Sudden Fear. I am not trying to put down the other actors in this movie, but the reason such an awesome plot like the one in this film gets the justice it deserves is…

  • Movie Monday: The Wizard of Oz (1939)

    These photos are not mine. Okay, I know what you are thinking. “Sarah, why would you pick The Wizard of Oz this Monday when the characters don’t even change their style at all the entire film?” Let me explain. You see The Wizard of Oz has been a very understated and influential film for fashion. Plus, who doesn’t love a movie about magical shoes? Because of its unique mix of black and white and one of the earliest uses of technicolor, The Wizard of Oz has become way more than just a classic piece of cinema. The slew of merchandise dedicated to this film alone marks it as one of the most famous and easily recognizable…