Movie Monday: My Reputation (1946)
Today I want to put a spotlight on a classic film that is often times over looked. This week’s Movie Monday is all about the 1946 film My Reputation starring Barbara Stanwyck. Not only does this movie have a lot to say about the social stigma that comes along with remarrying after the loss of a spouse, but it also says a lot about handling criticism from the public.

Barbara Stanwyck is possibly the perfect actress in all of film history to fit the role as a leading lady in My Reputation. No one else could have the same steely determination that Stanwyck displays in this film. This character must possess not only determination, but also a great deal of independence so she may feel indifferent about the opinions of those talking about her. Stanwyck is able to mix all of her talent together to create a woman who can take on the world!
The only real opinion this leading lady needed to care about were those of her children. Despite her loving and nurturing nature, Barbara Stanwyck made sure that personal happiness is not mutually exclusive to the opinions of others.

Despite what initially meets the eye, My Reputation is not a romantic movie. This film is not supposed to be about how a boy met a girl and they fell in love. Instead, My Reputation is an exciting movie about a woman who decides to take her life into her own hands. The relationship featured in this movie is just a vehicle despite all of the sweet and romantic scenes.
My Reputation is a highly relevant movie that applies even to our modern world. I for one love the message of following your heart which seems to be what Stanwyck chooses to do in the end. Public opinion is not so important that you should have to sacrifice your own happiness, especially when it comes to who you want to be with.
Hopefully, My Reputation with receive a little more recognition and respect in the future. It is a film that is highly underrate for both the talent that stars in it and for the overall storyline.
Much Love,

I have never heard of this movie but since your review, I plan to watch it when ever I see it’s to be on TCM. Hopefully that will be soon!!
I am so glad that you are interested in this film! It is certainly a good one and, unfortunately, one that not too many people talk about. Hopefully you will get to watch it soon! 🙂