Hopes & Resolutions for 2020
If there is anything that 2019 taught me, it was that best laid plans often times never come to fruition. I learned this in many ways this year and that important lesson has helped me grow as a person. In the end, what is meant to be for you will come to you. Sometimes it is the things we don’t know about and are meant for us that end up being much better than what we originally wanted.
This year also taught me that I am, in fact, getting older. I may not feel like I am any different than the eighteen year old girl that began college just a few years ago, but I am different. Different experiences, stresses, and joys have all brought me to a different place in life. The great lie I have told myself is that because I don’t feel different means I am not getting older. The truth is, I am getting older. Thirteen year old Sarah would have thought twenty was ancient because she thought being a teenager meant you were practically an adult but, alas, time moves on. My idea of being twenty now is that I am an adult but still young.
How the perception of time and age shifts has made me realize how different I am now from the girl who wanted to be eighteen so badly. At the end of this upcoming decade, I will be thirty years old. There is no way of telling where Sarah in ten years will be or even who she will be, but I can tell you that I want to set her up for the most success that is possible.
In 2020, I want to dedicate more time to self care. I want to grow in confidence and joy with each and every experience. Although that may be the goal, I know this new year will not be all roses and rainbows. But as the saying goes, there can’t be any rainbows without a little rain. So, I plan on embracing even the rain with the full knowledge that it is preparing me for something greater and it will help me appreciate the sunshine.
This year will be about branching out and trying new things. Whether it be a restaurant, a fashion trend, or even just finding a new way to get to the same old buildings I typically go to. It is the little variations that makes each day so much more interesting.
The new year will also be full of knowledge. I will be finishing my Junior year of college and transitioning into my Senior year so that means more challenging classes and assignments. 2020 will be full of learning outside of my college classes, too! I am learning Polish right now, but on my long list of languages to learn is French, Italian, and sign language.
There is a new decade on the horizon awaiting us all. That means need to be open to the waves that come along with a whole new decade and being open to change. A decade is a long time and I want to be able to adapt to whatever happens in the next ten years whether that is having a number of jobs, moving, or family changes.
This will also be the decade in which I graduate from college. Despite only spending four short years working towards a degree, in reality my entire life has been building up to this moment. Every year of my previous schooling has been geared towards getting me in a position so I could attend college and eventually graduate from that college. Although this is a major life change, I know that it will just be a small detail in other life changes that will inevitably take place in the next ten years.
The unknown is scary and exciting all at the same time. If a new year is a clean slate, a new decade is a complete renovation of everything familiar. I can already see how my family is currently changing. Each of our lives is taking a different shape than the one we had in the previous decade, and there is soon to be a new member of the Sigmon family (my future sister-in-law). Surely the Sigmon family will continue to grow and add new members. That not only means new traditions, but also new memories yet to be made.
Unfortunately a crystal ball cannot tell anyone where they will be in a year or even ten years from now. But I feel very hopeful for the new year! Exciting things are on the horizon for everyone, and every opportunity is a good time to learn and grow. All one can do to embrace this amount of unknown is to be open everything and kind to everyone.
Happy New Year!
Much Love,