Movie Monday: Bravados (1958)
It’s time to take a break from romantic movies after celebrating Valentine’s Day. Today I want to talk about one of my favorite western films. Bravados is one of the many western themed movies starring Gregory Peck.

It isn’t everyday that I share a western film that I enjoyed, however, today is different. This particular western film has many unique elements that makes it stand out of the western genre. Bravados has a lot more dialogue throughout the movie that other westerns do not have, and it also a lot more color. Of course, this movie was made in the day of technicolor so that could be a major reason why it was so much different than other movies of that same genre.
I also feel like the storyline found in Bravados is so similar to what modern films of numerous genres use. A man takes justice into his own hands after he has been wronged and finds love along the way. Not to spoil Bravados for you, but that the essence of this film. I love this movie so I definitely recommend watching it, but I will say that I can see how several modern movies have followed a similar plot pattern.

As always, Gregory Peck was incredible in this film. Peck is one of my absolute favorite leading men so it is no surprise I think his performance was so good. However, I do feel like it was refreshing to see Peck in a movie that didn’t feature him wearing a casual suit. He became a less sophisticated version of himself in this movie yet he was able to still remain incredibly classy.
If you are wanting to create some kind of western themed party, event, or even a room, I think Bravados has a lot of aesthetic qualities that would be a great inspiration resource! I love the costumes, and the color scheme is gorgeous! So if you want a little break from the rom coms that are so prevalent this time of the year, give Bravados a try!
Much Love,