Movie Monday: Love in the Afternoon (1957)
I know I have been absent for a few weeks now, but it has all been for a very good reason. You see, I am a college student and part of the honors program that I am a member of at my university requires me to do research projects. Well, one of my research projects had to do with documenting the changing analytics of this website, Faintly Familiar. So, now that I got my research out of the way, it is back to regularly scheduled programing here on Faintly Familiar!
It’s a new Movie Monday and today I am reviewing the classic Audrey Hepburn and Gary Cooper film Love in the Afternoon. Although there has been a lot of controversy surrounding this film, I still remain a fan of it and the timeless story told.

Despite many thinking the age difference in Love in the Afternoon between Audrey Hepburn and Gary Cooper is strange, I happen to still find this film charming. The elegance of the set and the Parisian aesthetic is all encompassing in this movie. This is a classic love story set in Paris, France, where love is everywhere! Some people find it creepy that Audrey Hepburn is so much younger than Gary Cooper in this film, but I do not think about it much. If you are focused more on how this would happen in real life, it ruins the story.
The key to enjoying Love in the Afternoon is to let it be the fictional story that it is. In reality, Audrey Hepburn was not with Gary Cooper so do not let this romance movie make you think they were. This is just a timeless love story set in the city of love.

What makes this movie so timeless to me is the slow blossoming process. As an audience member, you can see the relationship between the two main characters develop. I found myself rooting for their relationship to succeed, especially since Gary Cooper’s character was a bit of a legendary bachelor.
Another very good reason to enjoy Love in the Afternoon is the fashion! In true Audrey Hepburn style, all of the ensembles that she wore in this movie were very Paris worthy! It is easy to see how films like this one laid the groundwork for Hepburn to become a style icon.
If you find yourself desperately searching for a film to get lost in, I would highly recommend Love in the Afternoon!
Much Love,