Movie Monday: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
There are a few things in Old Hollywood that I am not a big fan of. Those things include, noirs, most old westerns, and musicals. Yes, a large portion of class movies are of the musical variety and I have found myself even liking a few of them, however, when watching all of the other musical films it is my belief that the music never advances the story. The few exceptions are The Wizard of OZ, Fiddler on the Roof, and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

What makes Chitty Chitty Bang Bang such a special story and film is that it fun for all ages. Normally, Disney movies have that quality but I think Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is excels in that department. As a kid, I loved how colorful and happy this film was. The music is beyond catchy and I think the inclusion of sibling kids duo endeared me to this film even more since I have a brother.
As an adult I watch it again and now I see what Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is really about and why Disney put it in movie theaters. This is a movie about relishing in the imagination of a child, even as an adult. The magic of this film is that none of the things that they “did” throughout the day was real. It was all dreamed up while they drove around in their beloved car. That was something I never understood while watching this when I was younger, but now that I am older I see the way that the two adults in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang made imagining an executable practice for the kids. They encouraged creativity!
With that being said, I think Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is more special to me as an adult than it was even when I was younger. It also makes perfect sense to me why Disney would create a movie like this. Disney is all about staying young and not losing the imaginative mind of childhood. I believe Chitty Chitty Bang Bang perfectly encapsulates that message is a beautiful story that includes a lot of great music!

I think Dick Van Dyke is one of the best physical comedians to ever grace the television screen. This is never more evident than in the scene from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang where Van Dyke ends up pretending to be a doll while his co-star Sally Ann Howes does the most impeccable impression of a music box ballerina. That is my absolute favorite song and scene from this musical.
There is pure talent running through this film and it works really well since the story is so deep too! Van Dyke is the perfect leading man for this film and the only actor who could truly ever pull off a character like this one. So, if you are looking for a little pick-me-up during these dull weeks at home, go give Chitty Chitty Bang Bang a watch and relive all of the wonderful creative moments of childhood.
Much Love,