• A Few of My Favorite Things Spring 2019

    The “A Few of My Favorite Things” series here on Faintly Familiar is always a highlight for me each new season! Springtime brings a flurry of different accessories and products to use that just do not get their time to shine in the winter or fall. Today, I want to share a few of the things that will be getting plenty of use from me. The Illinois Ball Cap This week I shared the ball cap that I will be wearing most this summer which you can see in the photo above. The state themed ball cap trend has gained some speed this spring, but I have had this particular…

  • The Lug Bag

    The summer travel season will be here before we know it, and spring break vacations have already began in many places. Thinking about traveling anywhere, even if it is just a day trip, always makes me wonder what kind of bag I should bring along with me. It constantly feels like while on a trip/vacation that there is way more that you need or want to carry in a bag. The more I need to carry, the more pockets I need on my bag. Well, in pursuit of the perfect bag for trips and a vacation (and just in time for all of the fun to begin) I have found…