• Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

    It was another weekend full of fun, friends, and volunteering! As you may or may not know about me, in 2016 I was a county fair queen which was an amazing opportunity that allowed me to meet so many great people and do a ton of cool things. Well, the annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event was something I did for the first time when I was a county fair queen and it really made a huge impression on me. This year I decided to walk to prevent sexual assault yet again this year! Despite the rather rainy weather, there was a large crowd that showed up to…

  • The London Trip: Day 1

    After a week of recovery and trying to get back into the mode of college classes, I have finally found the time to sit down and tell you all about the awesome trip my brother Jacob and I took on fall break. Keep in mind that our fall break was only a week long, so our trip was relatively short. But man did we do a lot of cool thing while we were there! If you haven’t heard yet, or seen on my social media, my older brother Jacob and I took a small trip to London on our fall break! In total, it took us 6 days (we originally…