My Go-To Ball Cap this Summer

A the sun begins to peak around the clouds of winter, there are a few options for protecting your eyes. The most common prescription to sunny days are sunglasses, however, every now and then you will see someone wearing a ball cap.
I typically do not wear ball caps or hats outside of wintertime beanies, but for those bad hair days there is really no better alternative. With the changing weather and windy days, I have found myself reaching for a ball cap more and more. Enter in my new favorite ball cap.
This Illinois (my home state) hat I surprisingly found at Walmart. I wasn’t really looking for a hat the day I found this one, but I saw the shape of my home state and I just couldn’t resist! Plus, the pink was just calling to me. 😉
Besides all of the sentimentality with Illinois being on the hat, this ball cap is such a versatile and cute color! This would act as the perfect complement to a simple summer look that consists of a white t-shirt and blue jeans. I think I have seen somewhere online that there are different ball caps for different states, so this hat is really such a cute addition to the wardrobe and the perfect summer accessory!
Much Love,

I haven’t worn a hat in years! I should get one myself!
Yes! A hat like this would be so cute on you!