What I'm Wearing

Floral Stan Smith Sneakers

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw me unbox these cool sneakers and promise that I would write a blog post about them. (If you don’t follow me in Instagram, be sure to check out my profile at @sarahgsigmon) Since I am a woman of my word, here is the post that I promised!

For a while now I have been looking for a cute new pair of sneakers. Now, as you probably already know, I have very specific taste so this presents a little bit of a challenge. I searched high and low at all of my favorite places to go shoe shopping with no success.

Thankfully, I am living in the age of the World Wide Web! One late night I was browsing the web looking for sneakers and I happened upon the Adidas website! Of course, I already have a pair of the classic Stan Smith shoes, but when I saw the floral print on the back of these and the gold detailing I knew I had to click that add to cart button!

I could not wait to review them on here for all of my Faintly Familiar readers! If you are interested in checking these sneakers out on the Adidas website you can see them here.

The fit of these sneakers are exactly the same as any other Stan Smith sneakers, but the floral print I knew would be perfect for not only spring but also this summer! I have also noticed that the gold lettering seems to be a consistent element in sneakers as of lately. Mark that detail down as something that might become more noticeable and trendy.

Overall, I would say rush to get a pair of these floral Stan Smith sneakers! I think the colorful print will go with so many different outfits and I will definitely be wearing these this spring and summer!

Much Love,


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  • Kat

    I love everything about these sneakers. The colour, the floral! I got some kind of like these a couple of years ago – they are definitey a staple in my wardrobe. Mine are black with floral at the back and the three stripes on the side a floral too. I’m going to keep an eye out for these ones!

    • admin

      The floral stripes on the sneakers you found sound so cute!! Floral sneakers are absolutely perfect for spring and summer!