What I wore to My Brother’s College Graduation

The day was finally here where my brother would graduate from the University of Illinois with his undergraduate degree. Of course, on big days like that everyone thinks about the logistics of getting people to all of the places they need to go and the work that went into my big brother graduating. However, if you are like me, your first question usually is “What will I wear?”
Well, I shared a few ideas with you all not too long ago of what to wear to a spring graduation. A lot of the ideas I came up with kind of fell into the dress that I chose to wear to my brother’s graduation. I defiantly wanted to wear a dress, and the floral print I thought was really pretty and gave the dress something a little extra special.
Although the weather was unusually cold for a May day, (lets be honest, this weather is completely normal in the Midwest) I didn’t let the chilly temperatures prevent me from wearing what I had planned. I was very lucky that his second commencement ceremony took place indoors unlike the one that was for the whole university the day prior. Nonetheless, I wore this dress because it felt right for the event!
The reason I chose this dress by Robbie Bee was because of the cut. It has real 60’s vibe to it with the way it falls, but not obviously retro. High necklines are always a classic silhouette and this dress was no exception. I thought the bow on the side was a nice touch and something that might not be noticeable until up close, but once you see it the bow makes you like the dress just that much more.
I have previously mentioned the floral print on this dress, but I want to bring it up again here. Because it is May and typically that is when you see cherry blossoms, I thought this design was so darling! Also, another plus for this dress I how it can be dressed up and down for different events depending on where you are going.
If you are interested in finding a dress like the one I am wearing, check out a few of the options I found here and here. These both look very similar to the dress I am wearing and they are by Robbie Bee. Also, this floral jumpsuit is another great option for any occasion!
I just want to say again how proud we are of my big brother Jacob and his amazing accomplishments! Graduating college is no easy feat, but he did it and passed with flying colors! Congrats Jacob and thanks for giving me an excuse to dress up!
Much Love,

I love this dress so much! You looked amazing!
Thank you so much, Mary!