4th of July 2019
The 4th of July has always been one of my favorites holidays. Between the time spent with family and patriotic feeling from all of the festivities, there is nothing better than spending the summer celebrating. This year was extra special for a lot of reasons that I will share more about on here later, but for now let me tell you what I did for the 4th of July this year!

The day begin with a early trip to set up the 65th wedding anniversary party that we would later be having for my Grandma and Grandpa McFarland. I will be sharing a ton of photos and thoughts on the anniversary party we threw in a later post. Today I want to focus on the amazing 4th of July parade that we always attend!
Since I am a member of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, the local chapter that my mom and I belong to were going to walk in the 4th of July parade. Obviously I wanted to help out with this, so I walked along the parade route and handed out flag code pamphlets and small American flags! It is always so sweet to see the excited faces of children when they get a little American flag to wave while the parade is going on!
After a rather toasty (and by toasty I mean extremely hot) walk in the parade, it was time to head to the place we would be having my grandparents anniversary party. Like I said, there will be a whole blog post dedicated to this party published on here very soon, but for now we will skip this part of our holiday celebrations.
The Midwest weather was playing tricks on us this 4th of July and keeping us on our toes. Although it was sunny and warm for the parade in the morning, we were not so lucky weather wise for evening fireworks. Normally we go to a local fireworks shows that takes place once the sunsets, but this year it rained and thundered for two whole hours before the sunset. There was no chance that we were going to risk getting caught in a storm. I do not even know if they postponed the fireworks that night or not, but we sadly only watched a fireworks show on TV.
Overall it was a very eventful holiday and one spent with family and friends. You can never go wrong with that combo!
Much Love,