Burberry Spring 2020

There are a lot of different aspects of this runway I will be covering today with this Runway Review. I am picking up a lot of notes on spring trends that have been consistent across several collections and I will compile them all into one blog post for you all later after Fashion Month. However, today’s Burberry spring 2020 collection has a lot to give us to talk about, so lets get started!
First of all, I just want to say that Burberry did a splendid job differentiating themselves from the last spring collection we saw from them. Typically, this brand leans into the classic trench coat and scarf look that has become so iconic with Burberry. However, this collection seems to take the color palette we love so much with this brand and add a little flavor to it all.
I want to point out the fringe that is seen across several different designs on this runway. This is possibly my favorite soon-to-be trend that we have seen for spring 2020! A few other collections have done this, but Burberry really embraces it! The fringe isn’t a 60s style, though. It is used in a more 20s style which to me says we are definitely entering a modern “roaring twenties” and I am super excited about that concept!
Another element we saw a touch of on this Burberry runway is lace. I have shared how lace is something we will see more of for fall 2019, but now I can see that this fall trend will smoothly transition into spring 2020. So, keep an eye on lace details and lace dresses to become a massive look for fashionistas everywhere.
There was also a certain amount of sparkle featured in this collection. We have witnessed a ton of sparkle this Fashion Month which is always thrilling to see, however, this Burberry collection managed to keep it refined. A good example of the nice touch used in this collection is the image of the suit the male model is wearing. You all already know I love pinstripes so the fact that this suit seems to be made into a sequined pinstripe suit is really exciting!
I really liked this collection! There were a lot of timeless looks and it came across very chic! Personally, I think this was a step up for Burberry. Let me know what you thought of this runway and collection in the comments below!
Much Love,