The Trendy Glasses Shape of 2019 & 2020

The photos in this blog post are going to be a bit strange to my Faintly Familiar Family because they will be seeing me in an unusually form. Today I am wearing glasses. Yes, the frames are my prescription based frames and a style choice occasionally.
I’m a bit of a free spirit so generally I like the freedom of wearing contacts, however, I do feel like a cute pair of glasses frames can really go a long way in making your outfit look cute. Even if they are not prescription based glasses, just a fashionable pair of frames can really be the perfect accessory! With the wide variety of styles and shapes to choose from, today I want to share the glasses frames that are the right on trend for 2019-2020.
Years ago, the thick Clark Kent style glasses frames became the “it” thing to wear. Admittedly, seeing Superman wearing those kind of glasses really can’t make them look too bad, but they had the Kent side of the otherwise super character wearing those frames because it was suppose to make him look nerdy. Well, it must not have worked because in the 2010s everyone was trying the Clark Kent look.
However, trends and tastes change even if some elements remain the same. This was even more evident to me when I went for a eye doctor appointment over the summer. While browsing the glasses frames, I began to see just how much the fashion of prescription frames has changed.
As you may expect coming from me, when I went glasses shopping I had a very specific vision in mind. However, as it happens sometimes, the glasses shapes we want don’t always look the best on us. With a number of frames to choose from, the frames I ended up choosing pictured above seemed to just jump out at me off the wall. When I tried on this particular frame style, it said “Sarah” and that was the look I wanted.
After some time, I began to notice a lot of influential people wearing glasses frames that were very much like the style that I chose. And then I realized that I had stumbled upon the new “it” glasses frames style of 2019-2020!
The subtle mix of circular and square shape of the frame is a major area of commonality when it comes to this glasses trend. Another element that is pretty common but still sees a lot of variations is the color. With my frames, I chose a nice brown shade to match my hair, but there are several different styles including a clear one!
So, although I did not expect to hop on the glasses frames new trend, I guess you just can’t fight what you like. Even if you don’t need to wear glasses, there are plenty of cool styles that do not have prescription lenses. Check out a few that I linked below, and enjoy this fun little trend!
Much Love,