• Movie Monday: Tender Comrade (1943)

    Today’s Movie Monday is dedicated to the spirit of fighting off COVID-19. Since we have all been told to stay home, it can be pretty tough to feel productive. However, by staying home you are doing the best thing you possibly can and you are saving lives. To keep you occupied, I have a new classic film suggestion for your enjoyment. Tender Comrade is a World War II time era film that depicts life on the front line in the United States — women working to keep the country going. The main star of this female centric film is Ginger Rogers, but other well known names like Ruth Hussey and…

  • Movie Monday: Monkey Business (1952)

    It’s time to take a moment to laugh and celebrate a comedy this Movie Monday! If there is anyone who can master classic film comedy it is definitely Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers! Monkey Business is a funny and adorable film from what could be expressed as the typical 50’s style comedy. In Monkey Business Grant brings back the coke bottle glasses he wore in Bringing Up Baby and his comedic skills. This isn’t the same style of comedy he used in some other movies, though, like Arsenic and Old Lace. Monkey Business shows us an older more mature side of Cary Grant until it doesn’t and everything just begins…

  • Movie Monday: Bachelor Mother (1939)

    Bachelor Mother was Ginger Rogers’ film debut after starring in nine movies with Fred Astaire. Both needed space from one another, and this was Rogers’ answer to the previous roles she had became known for. Of course nerves surrounded the burgeoning actress, however, this film proved that she could certainly hold her own without relying on Astaire as a counterpart. These photos are not mine. In addition to the clear success of Bachelor Mother, not many people know that this was not the first version of this film. Back in 1935, a German version was produced called Little Mother. Yet another version of the film was made in 1956, called Bundle…