• The Rome Trip: Day 3

    This is the third and final blog post covering “The Rome Trip”. It may seem like we have already covered all of the must see sights of Rome so far, but we still had a list of places to visit. So, one more day of walking through the streets of Rome was in order for us! The Rome Trip: Day 3 Touring the Colosseum It was an early morning on day three of our trip in Rome because we wanted to take a tour of the Colosseum! Of all of the days, this one was the coldest but still warmer than what I am used to. Luckily, it was a…

  • The Rome Trip: Day 2

    Day 2 of our trip to Rome, Italy, was probably the busiest and the fullest. We saw some of the go-to places you think of when you think of Rome and we did even more walking than the day before. But to balance that out we also ate more. Life is all about balance! 🙂 The Rome Trip: Day 2 Roaming Rome On our way to see the Pantheon, we passed by some really cool stuff. We would go back later in the day to actually see all of the things we passed by, but I just had to get a photo with this Julius Caesar statue! I’m not going…

  • The Rome Trip: Day 1

    A lot of people start out a new year with a list of things they would like to accomplish with the new slate they have just been given. New year, new me is what we commonly hear, right? On that list may be to learn a new language, lose some weight, eat healthier, or even to travel more. Well, I certainly took the traveling more part of a potential New Year’s resolution seriously! On January 2, 2020, I left for for Rome, Italy! Don’t worry, this trip was not taken on a whim. My brother Jacob and I have been planning this trip to Rome for a while now, but…

  • Movie Monday: La Bohème (1926)

    The movie poster for La Bohème (1926) You can purchase this classic film here. Welcome to the first ever #MovieMonday! Today we will be reviewing and discussing the fashion of La Bohème (1926). I love watching the silent films TCM’s (Turner Classic Films) show on Sunday evenings so when I saw that this movie would be shown on the network a couple of weeks ago I was sure to watch it! WARNING: if you have not already seen this film and would like to keep the ending a secret, read this after you have watched the film. The silent classic is based on Giacomo Puccini’s Italian opera, under the same name as the movie, which was inspired by…