• Movie Monday: A Woman of Affairs (1928)

    Movie Monday was created to celebrate all of the classics, and cinematic history. Today is no exception. A Woman of Affairs is the perfect example of why cinema history is so important to understand and appreciate. This film has two legendary actors starring in it — John Gilbert and Greta Garbo. If you have been reading Movie Monday posts for any length of time, you probably are familiar with my love for all things John Gilbert and Greta Garbo! This duo are easily my favorite silent film couple, and they are two actors who I consider legendary talents. It should come as no surprise that I believe A Woman of…

  • Movie Monday: Giant (1956)

    Today I am reviewing my first my Elizabeth Taylor film! This is my favorite movie that she starred in and Taylor is not the only one who is well known. Giant has a star studded cast with a story just as memorable as the talent. Giant is a rather long film, but if you have nothing better to do on a Saturday it is the perfect movie to watch! In my opinion, this is Elizabeth Taylor’s best film but at the same time I have not seen many of her other works. Until I watch another Taylor film that tops my list, Giant takes the Elizabeth Taylor cake. What really…

  • Movie Monday: The Young Philadelphians (1959)

    For today’s Movie Monday I am reviewing a film with a movie star that I have yet to review here on Faintly Familiar — Paul Newman! The Young Philadelphians was a film I just happen to stumble into watching and I am so glad that I did because I have been wanting to review a Paul Newman film for quite some time. So without further ado, here is my review! The Young Philadelphians is one of the rare films that appeared in a difficult time era for the movie scene, in my opinion. I have found that films took a bit of a break in being high quality from the…

  • Movie Monday: Sudden Fear (1952)

    It’s time to take a moment and appreciate how amazing Joan Crawford was as an actress. Sudden Fear is one movie that she not only starred in, but also made up for the lack of co-stars who were equally talented. I’m not saying that the other actors were bad necessarily, but I will explain my position more in this review. Let me pick up where I left off above, Joan Crawford is undeniably the star of Sudden Fear. I am not trying to put down the other actors in this movie, but the reason such an awesome plot like the one in this film gets the justice it deserves is…