How to Wear the Neon Trend This Spring
Months and months ago I predicted that neon was slowly becoming one of the trendiest color schemes of fall 2018. At the time I didn’t know it, but I was also predicting one of the biggest trends of spring 2019, too!
I know that pastel is typically the colors that come to mind when you think of spring fashion, but I am here to say that there is most certainly plenty of room in the colorful spring market for more bold shades. Today, I want to expand on that prediction by talking a little bit about how you can incorporate neon into your spring wardrobe.
#1. Try a bright version of the color of 2019

A couple of weeks ago I talked about this sweater I found at Old Navy and how I would bewaring it since the color of 2019 is predicted to be “Living Coral”. Well, as you can see, this color is perfect to incorporate the neon trend into your spring wardrobe!
#2. Neon Green

Neon on green is one of my favorite colors to wear! I shared a little bit about this sweater a while back, but I wanted to share it here again today. The first thing I think of when it comes to spring is how everything seems to be a little greener. This sweater from H&M is perfect for incorporating a little bit of spring and the neon trend into your wardrobe!
#3. Hot Pink

Another one of my favorite colors is pink, hot pink in particular. Luckily for me, this favorite color of mine just so happens to also fit right into the trend of the spring season! Hot pink is such a fun way to add that little bit of pop and neon to your outfit! As you can see, I decided to pair this top with a classic denim and sherpa lined jacket.
#4. Yellow

Don’t laugh when I say this, but construction worker yellow is actually really perfect for this springtime trend! I wore this long sleeve t-shirt by Kanye West’s fashion brand called Yeezy. West has a strong intuition on what will be trendy so he was way ahead of everyone else when this particular line of t-shirts became available to the public.
#5. Springtime Blue

I know this sweater isn’t THAT neon looking, but I decided to add it to this list because to me it looks bright enough to classify as neon-ish. Anyway, this blue sweater is absolutely perfect for both the trend I am talking about and just generally spring fashion. This sweater just happen to be on sale at Old Navy the day I found it so I scooped it up and decided that it would satisfy the neon blue category of my wardrobe!
I hope this was a useful guide to the neon trend! Although it has been around a while, I really don’t see the love for neon dying down anytime soon so definitely invest in something bright and poppy soon so you won’t miss out!
Much Love,

These are great tips!
Thank you so much!! 🙂